half-baked ideas

Stacks of short-hand notes and reminders in my phone. Typing something else in so I don’t forget. Thinking of a phrase or sentence — “hey, I seem to be only coming up with half-baked ideas…” — and feeling the inkling of potential but not wanting to see it through, not having any idea what comes next.

The baking process will not continue — your ideas will not come to fruition and rise and turn golden — without a little attention and work. That’s all it takes. Show up, and give them a dash of your love and molding care. Just try for a few minutes. See if they start to respond.

We cannot expect toasty, warm, fully-baked ideas to land in our laps. That’s not how this game works.

I do have a lot of half-baked ideas. That’s true. But every once in a while, that turns into a good thing, because I decide to put on my apron, grab the hot pads, and get back to the oven.

Keep baking.

Even if the lists are long and undeveloped and you haven’t been working at it much lately. Even if your motivation is low and inspiration missing. Even if you think it will be too much work to turn the partial recipes into complete treats. (how do you think we get complete treats and motivation and inspiration in the first place??)

You never know. Keep stacking, even if that means only half-baked ideas and short-hand phone notes sometimes. Trust that you are going somewhere in the long run.


on doing the damn thing


when to call it quits