lean in to what you love

A lesson from my dog…

When you love something (someone), really lean in.

Just now, she pranced over to where I was sitting reading a book, rubbed against my legs on her way by, and then stopped on the other side of me, sat down, and in one cheerfully swift motion, flipped her nose up on the underside of my paperback, throwing it closed in my hands so she could look me squarely in the eyes and get some love!

She is very good at snuggles. Recently, I’ve been noticing a lot more frequent puppy-like HUGS. I usually squeeze her tight, press my face against her, and kiss her on her furry forehead (right between her eyes, at the top of her nose!), and I think she’s gotten the memo because she’s started really leaning her body against me and pushing her face into my arms and torso. Hugs!

It can’t get any cuter. It really can’t. 😆💕 She’s so sweet.

And here’s the thing: Blue loves me unconditionally. Blue loves me with the kind of love dogs are renowned for, the kind of love that doesn’t care how worthy you are or how fancy or accomplished, doesn’t care what you’ve done or haven’t done, doesn’t bother judging you for your mistakes, holds no grudge against you, and is always ready with a waggy dance and absolute trust.

Everyone deserves this kind of love.

The second thing: Blue is not bashful with her love. She just loves! In fact, she can’t contain her love. It wiggles and explodes right out of her, she yelps with joy when she sees us get home, she growls and woofs her pride and contentment.

Everyone deserves to let their love shine like this.

So just a reminder… the next time you’re feeling happiness, enthusiasm, joy, and love bubble up inside you, threatening to take over if you let it, longing to grow and grow and tell everyone you know… be like a dog, snuggling up tight, full trust, total commitment, complete adoration.

Don’t forget to really lean in to what you love.


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