creativity context

How do you view your creativity?

Is it a relationship and two-way street?

Is it a habit and action you show up for? (A practice?)

Is it a burden, a fear, or a scarcity-based lack?

Is it nonexistent?

Is it a muse, whimsical and mysterious, never reliable?

Is it a disappearing act you are always chained to, unable to freely do your own bidding without it?

Is it motivation or discipline?

Is it inspiration?

Is it consistent?

Is it built-in and valued, known and loved?

Is it all-encompassing and fully empowered?

Is your creativity your friend, your true nature, your operating system, your trustworthy ally, your partner?

Do you share equal loads?

Do you know it’s always within you, it is you, and you can harness it through your own thoughts and actions at all times?

You’re a creator, making your creations, and living your life as your bold act of creativity.

Onward. ❤️


the ineffectiveness of the one-eighty


lean in to what you love