learning curve: values

The learning curve continues today at my new job, and I am realizing (or re-realizing, as it isn’t a particularly new discovery) I am wired for purpose, direction, passion, connection, and accomplishment. I love having something meaningful before me and worthwhile matters to work on. I love to feel engaged, challenged, useful, competent, and valued. I want to grow. I want to contribute. I want to make things better. I want to be part of a team, and not just any team, but a team who cares about their own and each others’ excellence, has high standards and output, and is passionate and invested. I love doing good work and having fun.

So much of this is linked to my own potential and my craving — urge — to meet it. I don’t want to reach the end of my life and feel I have stores of wasted potential within me; I am far more interested in living my story as well as I can along the way, to see what I am capable of and live the dreams, skills, and experiences I’m meant for.

This is also rooted in values. We must get in touch with the values that ring most true for us if we are to live our most honest, bright, aligned, authentic dream lives. I want a life of adventure, belonging, and wholeheartedness. I believe those values can and should translate into almost everything I do. I want my work to be an adventure. I want my job team to share a sense of belonging, respect, connection, comradeship, pride, and usefulness together. I want my career path and projects to feel wholehearted in who I am and what I care about… I can be myself at work, I care about the tasks being done, I approach my work with my best self, and my work and life integrate well together.

As I keep learning here, I’m noticing the best parts — the moments that line up with these values and desires — but also the laggy parts; and in the lag, I’ve been trying to identify why those moments feel less sparkly. What might be missing? Often, it’s something from this summary.

And it should be noted — as you hone in on your own manifesto and top values, remember there are a million variations of definitions for the language we use, and each person claiming a value could interpret its meaning and role differently. You get to choose. It’s your value, your word, your heart, your life — up to you. What are your values? What do they mean? How does that take shape?

Happy learning! Stick with the curve!




happy tired