
Sometimes, when you’re in the hole and you don’t realize just how much, you start focusing on the wrong things. 

It doesn’t particularly matter exactly what you’re going to do or get in return if you leave the hole, it’s not up to you to plan every contingency right now, there’s no sense in fretting over the security or comfort you might be giving up (Really? Down here? In this dark, dingy, cramped spot that doesn’t suit you? Seems like it’s worth giving up. Aim higher. You can get uncomfortable and face the unknown because you are strong and brave, and whatever it is, it’s likely better than this anyway).

When you finally somehow climb up and find solid ground and wide open, beautiful sky, you realize the only thing you should’ve prioritized was getting out of the hole in the first place. 

The world expands to offer endless possibilities.  You realize how much was closed off to you before, when you were stuck in that situation or job or spot in your life that did not fit or serve you.

That’s the WHOLE point (get it?).

But that first step must happen before all this comes. So get unstuck. Give yourself the gift of a better, brighter environment/role/job/situation/routine/relationship/circle. The details will follow. You build your path as you go.

But if you are under a weight which you have not even realized how heavy it is until it lifts, don’t worry about all that yet. Just get out of the hole. Remove the weight. Direct your efforts there first.

Make sure you aren’t focusing on the wrong parts of the story.


too much love


learning curve: values