too much love

Love it too much. It’s how you’ll get through the hard times. It’s the highs of life. There’s no such thing as too much love. Stop waiting for the other shoe to drop. It’s okay if it feels too good to be true. Soak it up, baby. 🌿🚿☀️ 

Even if it feels like a fragile, precious thing. Even if you feel the ache of how strongly you want to keep it, how much you hope nothing bad happens and it doesn’t get taken away from you. Do not think for a second you can keep terrible things from happening in life by pretending to care less or by pushing the love down instead of embracing it. Playing it cool, being wary, never getting your hopes up, refusing to jump all the way in — cannot shield you from life forever. 

So love it all the way. This is how we become resilient and strengthened and build the ability to weather hard times — because we are so full of and motivated by love.

This allows the magic times to be the best they can be and opens you to feeling them fully!  This also helps the difficult times be softened and shored up.

Remember there is no such thing as too much love.



