
The best work we can do with our lives, with any and all the days and time we get, is love.

My husband and I were talking to two of our best friends last weekend about their anniversary coming up, and we were congratulating them and just talking about how cool and special and wonderful it is… I think I mentioned something about how we love Love and we’re such supporters of anniversaries, etc, and my husband humorously and endearingly said, “yeah, because it’s such hard work!” To which I totally agreed and added, “but it’s the best work. It’s the best thing we can possibly do with our lives.”

Loving each other. Choosing devotion and joyful commitment to your partner. Respect and communication and trying to be better together. Growing, changing, keeping space for each other, learning about each other over and over again. Being a team. Having each other’s backs. Learning to be patient and a better listener. Practicing compromise, managing expectations, and not controlling or parenting each other. Celebrating and cherishing the other person for exactly who they are. Bringing your strengths and being covered for your weaknesses. Uniting over life values. Having fun together and laughing and banking the sweetest moments together. Doing all the big life stuff. Doing all the little stuff. Belonging, being seen, being known and loved. Working hard for each other, with promise and faith, forever. Putting in the time and good fight. Believing in your love story.

It’s a gift, a choice, a privilege, and the best adventure. This is what we’re made for. Love.

That’s why it’s worth celebrating. That’s why I feel so strongly about it. This is what we root for. This is what we cheer on and commemorate and build. When you find your good person who you adore and who is good to you, hold on and give it everything you’ve got. When I meet a couple who makes a great team, I feel full of joy, inspiration, and respect. Love gives me strength, and love makes me ooey gooey inside. In all the best ways.




on fitting in, pt. 2