love is

Love is you and me and everything we share.

Love is how all people are one and connected through more than divides us, if we’re willing to pay attention.

Love is true.

Love is strong.

Love is attention and devotion.

Love is loyal.

Love is brave.

Love is action.

Love is being.

Love is in everyone and everything.

Love comes completely naturally, and love can be a big challenge.

Love is a promise. Our commitment. The vows we take.

Love is patient.

Love is willing and ready.

Love is generous and giving. It is in every true sacrifice and every gift.

Love is the backbone of grace. Love is forgiveness.

Love listens.

Love shows up.

Love is empowering.

Love fuels us.

Love is kind.

Love endures.

Love hopes.

Love is wonder and awe.

Love is home.

Love is the humility to embrace connection and leaning in over coming out on top or being right.

Love is sticky — it sticks around, it holds us together, and sometimes it’s tricky.

Love is the center of everything.

Love is sweeter than strawberry pie. (I love this JJ Heller song.)

Love is tiny moments and big feelings and over and over again.

Love is yes, and.

Love is here and there and everywhere.

Love is belonging, just as you are.

Love is creation.

Love is bold and quiet.

Love is constant.

Love is heartache and pain, the doorway through which grief enters and also the portal to a deep joy we would never know without love or each other.

Love is the point.

Love is laughing until your face and tummy hurt.

Love is a tight squeeze and a snuggle..

Love is being there. Hi, I’m here.

Love is alllllll the balloons. Every celebration.

Love is art, art is love; our lives are art, our lives are love.

Love is fun and goofy.

Love is first your own, and then you can share it abundantly.

Love is carrying on, and love is why and how we carry on.

Love is imagination and belief.

Love is earnest.

Love is helping each other be our best selves. Because love brings out the best in us.

Love is tough and buoyant and gritty. It doesn’t crumble easily.

Love is soft and gentle.

Love is wild and good.

Jack Johnson sings,

“Love is the answer, at least for most of the questions in my heart
Like ‘why are we here?’
and ‘where do we go?’
and ‘how come it’s so hard?’
It’s not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving.
I’ll tell you one thing, it’s always better when we’re together.”

Love is the answer. Whatever the question.

Why? Love.

Where? Love.

How come it’s so hard? Love.

Cheryl Strayed said, “Love is our essential nutrient. Without it, life has little meaning. It’s the best thing we have to give and the most valuable thing we receive. It’s worthy of all the hullabaloo.”

What is love? 0-100 by SoulPancake ❤️

Love starts with you, and it is always, always available to you because it is in you and all around you. You are love, and you are loved.

“Love makes life worth living.”

It’s Love Month.

Happy February!


the practice


for the love of words (feat. my vocab list)