love is magic / connection matters

Sometimes we all need a person who reminds us who we are and what we live for.

Why we’re fighting.

What we believe in.

How strong we are.

All the love and beauty in the world.

The magic and miracles of our lives.

The gift in being alive.

Everything we’ve yet to accomplish, and the true hope, power, and capability we possess.

That we can keep going.

That there is more here than meets the eye.

All the amazing things we have done, and the truth in who we are and how we will endure.

The potential, wonder, and insane possibility within and around us, when we are willing to believe in it.

It takes a special kind of person to really see you, and to remind you of what they see.

Can you let yourself be seen? Will you trust the beauty and the astonishing gift of a community of love and authentic support?

Do you choose to see others, really see them, for all their fears and courage and strength and wisdom?

"To love a person is to see all of their magic and to remind them of it when they have forgotten."


Today I had a fun and transparent two-hour phone call with my cousin, with honest and excellent conversation and wisdoms he shared that made me happy and inspired, feeling bolstered in hope, wonder, optimism, and energy.

My coach shared a video, with me and with the rest of our team, of a kid on a rugby team lifting another teammate up when he was full of self-doubt and fear. Because we have each others’ backs. Because we’re here to remind each other who we are, at all times.

I needed both those things.

Connection matters.

Never underestimate these tiny gifts that are massive and profound, and never underestimate your own influence and effect for positive change in the lives of the ones you love.


tools of the trade


attention amplification, pt. 2