
I am a big fan of Amber Rae’s journaling work and words she shares with the world. I’m on her email list, and today she sent a lovely email, with questions for journaling into a grounded new year. Highly recommend you check her out and subscribe. 💌

Her list of ten journaling prompts is insightful, inviting, and inspiring. It sparked immediate calm and focus in me, helping me realize yet again what I really need more of in 2024 is focused discipline.

I have become so scattered. My life is full and very good. But the busyness, responsibilities, and multiple directions my energy and time must go, which feel equally important and pressing, have the effect of leaving me spent and often poorly resourced for groundedness and big, focused energy. Often, being so split across so many good things, no matter how worthy, well-intentioned, and beautiful they are, means we have less quality attention and ability to give to each one of them.

I am doing a lot, and I hope I am doing it mostly well. Yet I’m also starting to wonder: is my power too watered down because the reservoir is constantly too depleted and the channels are too many?

I want a centeredness and calm inner strength. I want the energy and vibe of Amber’s insightful questions, and enough space and presence to sit with them and listen. I want to stay tuned in to my biggest priorities for accomplishment, my dearest dreams, and the cravings and feelings of my heart. I want the vision, clarity, and peace of mind to know what it is I care most about and what I am willing to do and also to sacrifice, in order to embody that in my life.

Amber asks, what do I want make more space for in 2024? What do I want to make less space for? What will I regret not prioritizing next year?

And some of my own questions in matching with the theme: Where have I come from? Who am I being? What has been most challenging, and how has it helped me learn and grow? In taking stock, where am I now?

Like Amber also asked, what am I willing to give up, in order to make what’s most meaningful happen this year? That’s a big one for me. I want this clarity of focus. I think I crave it because I have felt so split and drawn out, like voices are shouting from every direction, demanding something of me… even if many of them are voices from within, for things I have chosen to pursue.

And from Amber again: When I get stuck, overwhelmed, or afraid, what phrase do I want to return to for courage?

I love the liminal space between Christmas and January. December is wrapping up, and things are slowed down and put on pause. Especially for everyone lucky enough to get a two-week break — a la academic schedules! This is my first year with two weeks off in a while, but it feels right and normal to me. I was used to it in school, and then I kept it going when I ran a music studio (again, matching the school schedule for the kids and giving all families and teachers and myself the reset and time away!). The last two years, I had other jobs that did not give me two weeks, or even one week off for the December holidays, but my current job does! And Jake’s too (we work together!).

So in this magical liminal space, I feel all the in-betweens. The closure of the year behind and the preparation for the year ahead. Reflection, gratitude, calming, noticing. Planning and imagining. Feeling my way forward. Questioning and repositioning.

I love looking forward to a new year and picturing how I want it to be. Of course, we can do this at any time — many call New Years/January 1st an “arbitrary” date, and it is, for sure — but I love the transition of a changing calendar date, new digits, and the tidy packaging. There’s something special, for me at least, in the rolling over of the years. There’s something to this space, this two-week window, and especially the time period after Christmas ends and before January starts…. after all the bustle and plans have died down, but before we return to work and routines and responsibilities.

The noise quiets. The dust settles. The days open up.

I just love it.

In this floating space, this year, I’m doing whatever I feel like doing. I am being nearly entirely unencumbered. I am free. I’m going to the gym and for walks, I’m getting back into a Zumba class tonight for the first time since Halloween (very busy past couple of months, especially December!), I’m blogging a lot (for anyone counting, I’m still nine short of my twenty-five posts this month, to finish off the year of 300+!), I’m working on tiny projects and catch-ups here and there, I’m watching movies, I’m getting sooooo much quality time in with my dog, I’m talking to Jake about things big and small, we’re seeing some family and friends…

And in between activities, I’m thinking. I’m marinating.

I am marinating in all that has already happened this year and everything that’s yet to come. (very Ghost-of-Christmases-Past-and-Future, eh?? Watch Spirited, if you haven’t seen it! ❤️🎄)

I’m marinating in how I feel and the deeper breaths I can take, everything there is room and space and inhalation for, without the breakneck speed or constant to-do’s of my regularly scheduled life.

I’m marinating in questions that arise as I feel what comes up in this liminal space.

I’m basking in the absolute glow of lightness.

I’m thinking and planning and trying to sort out whatever there is that’s ready to be sorted in my mind.

What really matters to me?

What is going to be different in this new year?

What do I want to have achieved by this time next year?

What is the season I’m growing into, and what am I ready for? What is it time for? Are there things I’ve put off for too long? Is there anything calling to me, that I want to now answer?

What will this all look like?

What’s a small, specific place to start?

The end of December is an invitation and opportunity, in my mind, to get organized and heartfelt and settled in. To take stock. To feel and imagine and unwind, so we can start fresh.

It feels like a lot if I sit in it for too long, so I remind myself to choose grace, patience, compassion, and courage. Unbeatable combination — you can’t go wrong.

Take breaks.

Come back when you’re ready.

Keep marinating.

Let it all soak into your mind, and trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should. Believe in yourself. Know you’re right where you’re meant to be.

Be patient for what’s coming. Listen to what’s already within your heart. Don’t demand the answers too quickly; they’ll all come in their own right timing.

We don’t have to rush or know or solve or control.

This space is just an opportunity to show up and relax and tune in. Put your feet up. Grab a blankie. Notice your feelings. Listen to your questions.

May we have the courage to live in this space, and to respond well. May I lead with love, and may I let the reflection and dream-catching guide me to a better start for the new year.

Whatever your theme is, whatever your heart and season needs, may you embody it. May you gift it to yourself. May you be bold and strong.

Mine is focused discipline. It is un-splintering. My reorientation is to grow more towards my value of Wholeheartedness this year. Am I living a life I can wholeheartedly — not scattered-ly — say YES to?

My theme is calm inner strength, and a knowing that is channeled into wise, patient, delighted power.

We are surrounded everyday, by magic. I don’t want to miss it.

There are some specific magics happening in my life right now that need a bit more of my attention, and there are some distractions and crazy exhaustions that deserve less. I want to do a little pruning and clarifying for my new year.

Like I said, it can get daunting and feel like a lot… so I’d like to approach all this with patient lightness and keep it playful. I am trying to keep my goal-setting warm and light and do-able, with many breaks and spaces, while also being focused, intentional, and specific.

May we all commemorate and celebrate where we are and all we have experienced to get here. May we look forward with hope, joy, and a determined eye for our most meaningful living in 2024.

All the best ❤️


taking breaks


the best we can do