mini magic

Telescope viewing Venus in Earth’s shadow, display a bright, shining crescent of light — amazing!

Switching my scope’s view to the moon, a half moon, and seeing the incredible detail and pockmarked, magic craters along the shadow line that splits the moon’s face in half.

Eating breakfast — leftover rice and salmon, my favorite fish! Which I will eat at any time of day, don’t tell me it’s not a breakfast food 😜 — in the dark gray dawn, as it slowly lightens, while my pup stands nearby and I look at the sky.

Discovering I ended up having time to do everything I wanted and more before work, even though I accidentally overslept by 20 minutes!

A summer peach.

A job I love.

Talking to people all day long.

Little plans and moments to look forward to.

My dog’s softest, snuggliest fresh haircut.

The cooling air, breezing in through the open windows, getting chillier night by night as the days march on towards fall.

Blue getting cold in the middle of the night last night (fresh, short haircut!) and me inviting her under the covers to curl up against me, snuggles and body heat and comfy blankets.

Life is sprinkled full of these moments. “Noticing is sacred work.


on grasping & figuring it out


the full story