the full story

You know how online, such as on social media, you only see snippets of life? You hear highlights and see the best parts your friends, family, strangers, and internet connections want you to see. Sometimes they also share a vulnerable peek behind the curtain of real life, but even so, all of it is a collection of tiny fragments, with so much missing from what makes up a whole human, messy, imperfect, brutiful (brutal + beautiful) existence.

A single snapshot — a standalone moment — can never provide the full story, with all the context and truths.

Life has layers. So many layers. It is complex and multifaceted, and you never have to be just one thing.

There is power, nuance, and truth in the and

You can be tired and happy.
You can be thriving and challenged.
You can be sad and delighted.

Even opposites can exist at once.

Growing and struggling.
Succeeding and feeling tender.
Confident and drawing inward.
Fulfilled and sometimes lonely.
Excited and unsure.
Grateful and overwhelmed.

Contradictions. Paradoxes. Seemingly uncomplimentary or unlikely pairings. Coexistence.

You contain multitudes. So does the human experience.

First weekend in September. Eight snapshots. Not the whole picture — how could it be??

  • Jake snoozing on the floor with Blue… though you can’t tell from this cute picture that it was taken right after/sort of during a really difficult conversation we were having, trying to take care of and understand each other; tensions high, patience low, new challenges with a new job and adjustments. Such is love, life, marriage, and the adventures in trying our best and doing new, beautiful things. Such is the pain, opportunity, and misunderstanding of relationships and people. So goes communication. Building a bridge back to each other, til the end of time.

  • Thickest vines, vining their way over Jake’s office window, weaving through the shutter and blooming deep blue morning glories!

  • Playing and singing in the warm sun. (But a fuller picture would tell you, or if you were there you would know, that I was feeling a little lonely and blue! Still recovering from the conflict and bridge-building of a few hours prior. Playing music makes me feel better.)

  • Fancy, all-the-toppings acai bowl. (what you don’t see: it was really expensive, and I haven’t had many of these, so I thought it was going to be more filling than it was! It was yummy and pretty, though.)

  • A beautiful bouquet from my fabulous florist mom, and I loved this view while I was watching a movie. My guitar, the flowers, the nice composition… made me happy!

  • First time shopping at Trader Joes! It was more stressful than I expected, and I was hoping for a very relaxed, peaceful, adventurous new grocery store expedition. There were SO MANY PEOPLE. Groceries cost a lot of money. Oh well. Mostly great experience overall! Got some very fun new things to try, and I’m so happy we have lots of meals stocked for the next — hopefully — couple of weeks!

  • Blue Dog, best of companions, snuggling for a moment of music and sunshine.

  • The charcuterie plate I fixed up tonight and set out on our patio table! I made bacon-wrapped figs! And arrayed a bunch of other lovely options on there. Then invited Jake out to share — a few minutes outside together, offering a little surprise and a little romance and time, some fancy foods! He did not like the bacon wrapped figs, he just picked a few things off the board to enjoy. 😅💁🏼‍♀️

A snapshot (or eight) cannot possibly convey the entire picture. This is still missing the evening sitting on the patio in sweatpants for the first time this season, the crisp air ringing in the first notes of fall’s welcome. And the evening walk with a hoodie. And the after-dark pizza run. The comedy movie night. The tears in the car. The conversations. The dancing. Jake busting a move in the passenger seat while I drive. Jake working on the car and doing dishes. Both of us doing laundry. Watching tv. Alone time. Delight. Joy. Pain. Challenge. Growth. Life, life, life. Soak it all up. Remember to step back. Remember they’re just snapshots. What are your snapshots? What’s your full story? It all matters.

P.S. I am loving this song and this band, The Arcadian Wild. 😍 Their sound, their voices!! I didn’t even notice the words or realize, the first few times I listened to it, that it’s about screens and social media! Until I went to link it here and read the lyrics first. Somewhat related! “Why don’t you look your life in the eye?”


mini magic


necessary elements for happiness