necessary elements for happiness

True happiness is not just ease and getting exactly what you want all the time. Happiness requires upfront cost and investment: hard work to be proud of, authentic alignment with your vision for your life, practicing and returning.

My work is challenging me and tiring me and things just keep popping up that are mine to solve and handle. I am being stretched and taking on new projects all the time. I am using my creative skills and passions, vision and play, warmth and heart, tedious organizational faculties, and attention to detail and people.

Especially attention to people… this is my favorite part. I am meeting, talking, investing, laughing, telling stories, helping, working alongside, learning, and finding my way with so many people, every single day. I love this.

I am tired. It’s been a big day, and I took my lunch break an hour and a half late, and people have been waiting on me for things! What a concept! Today, I feel deadlines and just a little more pressure. My mind is tired. My problem solving is getting worn in. My multi tasking is off the hook.

BUT I LOVE IT. I am tired… but I’m so excited. This wears me out… and I don’t even mind. My job is getting much harder and more complex and involved now… and that is exactly what I wished for, what I truly wanted, what I am so, so, so grateful to have.

I am tired and even noticing little moments of stress and overwhelm throughout my day… and yet this is making everything so much more rewarding and worthwhile, and I am proud and thankful. I’m engaged. I’m contributing. I’m doing my best and trying to learn and to become better every day.

Which means I’m thrilled! 🎉❤️🥰


the full story

