never say never

Because often, it’s more like sometimes.

Or depending.

As needed.


Every once in a while, life will surprise us and bring an unexpected turn of events soliciting a response from ourselves we never would’ve imagined or planned on.

One example: Maybe a food you’ve sworn you would never be able to tolerate becomes a sentimental favorite thanks to meeting someone who loves it.

Another example: For a long time, I insisted I hated early mornings — any wake up call before 8 AM, basically — but then found myself, upon work and schedule change necessity, adjusting to 5 AM and even 4:15.

Then I became so accustomed to morning wake ups and straight to the gym that my “never” (instead of I could NEVER wake up at 5 in the morning!) became working out at night… such as: “I just can’t work out in the evenings; it’s a terrible time for it. I’m tired after work, I don’t like the crowded gym, and I would never have any free time if I trained at night. Mornings are the way to go.”

And THEN (you see where this is going…) I started mixing in some evening gym sessions again a couple of weeks ago! And it’s working great right now! I am loving the flexibility to choose, day by day. Some days I do really want to get my workout done before my job so I can have other plans or rest in my evening. Some days I need and love the extra sleep and have a blast going after work.

Pivoting to adjust for desperately needing more sleep has made this super worth it. I probably wouldn’t have tried it if I hadn’t been pushed to need to, because I was convinced I only liked my morning training schedule, but I’m happy to find out that’s not wholly correct.

Never say never.


P.S. This also helps foster our humanity, compassion, and empathy. Us vs. them is too easy and too divisive. “I could never do what he/she/they are doing.” “We just could never imagine living like that.” I would never make that decision in a million years.”

Except maybe you would. Perhaps we could. Maybe that would be me. What if you were in their shoes? Maybe if your life’s season were different? Maybe we can have deeper empathy for the feelings and history underneath that decision or behavior or difference?

Humanity. (Always.)

Less never. More sometimes. Depending. Day by day. Person to person. Perhaps. Who knows?




the one about comfort & heroes