on fitting in

Who are you trying to impress? Why are you trying to impress them?

If you ever pick your head up, look around, and realize where you find yourself doesn’t really seem to fit or stick, no matter how hard you’ve been trying to glue the situation properly in place… you have full permission to let everything come undone and just STICK OUT instead.

You can leave; you can choose — and create — an environment that does fit you!

Either it already exists, and you can go find it and be your happy, comfy, honest, welcomed self there; or you can build it and let other people come join you and do the same.

You don’t have to blend in. You don’t have to let anybody put you in a box. You do not have to be something they understand or can judge, justify, or label. You don’t have to fit in anywhere.

You already belong.

Your intrinsic worth and baked-in belonging can never be separated or taken away from you.

If you ever find yourself in an environment that doesn’t feel true — somewhere you don’t belong — please do this:

Remember who you are.

And go shine, being magically you.

It’s really hard sometimes, but your heart knows. Listen. Follow what you hear. Be patient. Keep going.

You are too special to try to make yourself be something you’re not. We need you, just as you are! Don’t try to fit in to something or someone or somewhere else!

You’ve got this!

P.S. It helps tremendously to have a beloved, trusted person or people in your life who can remind you of this whenever you need it. Hold onto them. They’re your secret sauce. They’re the real magic. This guy is my number one in all this and more!


strong leaders


the doors in our hearts