the doors in our hearts

A recent epiphany has come to light for me, and it’s one I am still processing through, decoding, and figuring out my related next steps on…

But I will share what I can! Because it’s important!

Some time ago, I subconsciously placed a passion I have great love for somewhere behind a door in my heart, and I closed the door.

A couple seasons of my life had come to a rightful end, and I didn’t know how to carry on with my passion in a new and different way.

I didn’t mean to hide my dream away or lock it up… funny how these things happen sometimes, right? (And by funny, I mean: strange, scary, and in crucial need of awareness and self-response.)

But somewhere in my subconscious mind, this was a thing that was no longer accessible to me.

Something I couldn’t — didn’t know how to — wasn’t sure if I wanted to — pursue.

It just sort of disappeared and melted away and got closed off.

I never meant to ignore it, but here we are.

I walked up to the door last night, gave a little tap-tap, and the dream was still inside, alive and strong, and ready to come out to play.

A little shy, maybe. A little nervous, tentative, unpracticed, and confused about being behind the door for so long.

But still there. Still ready. Still full of love, power, and creativity.

I haven’t spent a lot of time in the last few years considering how I might pursue this passion or what the next steps could be, and it’s felt intimidating and too hard…

So I guess I’ve stalled.

And made accidental, not-fully-realized excuses.

And lived with the consequences. Because there always are consequences, however big or small, and we feel them even when we don’t necessarily realize it.

Denial might seem easier than owning up, facing the music, and moving forward; but it comes with a heavy price. Putting yourself on the line is much better. Telling the truth instead of stamping something down will always clear the way.

Everyone does this sometimes. It’s okay. The trick is, we just want to become the sorts of people who are working on a faster recognition and response time, so we can catch things like this sooner and stay in our wonder, rooted in love and belief in possibility, and coming back home to our true selves over and over again, all the time.

Sometimes barriers pop up. Unexpected things happen. The noise of the world gets a little cacophonous and overbearing. We close the door.

But it can always be opened and explored once again.

You have never gone so far that you cannot get back to yourself or reimagine yourself or become the next evolution of you.

You may be multifaceted. Yes.

You may not have all the answers. No problem. (We each create our paths, step by step, as we go, anyway. Anything else is a myth.)

You may go forth and dream and do, forever and ever and ever!

Experiments are welcome.

Pivots are a necessity.

With every season of growth and change, you are called to rise up and live into the fullness of yourself and your ever-expanding (inner and outer) life.

You have permission to do something in a new and different way; just because you engaged one way before does not mean it’s either that or nothing.

Your dreams are hardy and resilient, and they can shift and change with you! Let them.

Instead of pushing them into a little lockbox in your heart and tucking them away where they’ll be “safe for later,” recognize they’re still here, and they’re ready to come along for the next adventure.

Your next adventure doesn’t have to match the one before it or the one before that.

Just keep going.

Open the door. Lead with your brave, true, and beautiful heart.


on fitting in


finding tiny joy