passion, strength, courage

I’m getting ready for my third powerlifting meet. This will be both my third ever powerlifting competition and my third within this year! My first was at the beginning of February 2023, and my second was just a few months ago, so it’s pretty exciting I’ll be closing out 2023 with another, exactly two weeks from today.

After I left the gym last time, from my latest workout, I was visualizing meet day and reflecting on how much this means to me and how badly I want to succeed and make the goals I’ve set for myself. I was thinking about the nerves and my fear and self-doubt. I was thinking about pushing ourselves to things that are hard. Reaching for our own personal stars. Believing in ourselves. Doing what we’re made for, putting in the work, and reaping the rewards.

As I imagined myself going through the day, walking up to the platform, attempting each lift, and thinking about the numbers for each weight I want to move, I reminded myself:

I am full of passion, strength, and courage. I’m scared, but I’m brave. I LOVE this sport. I am strong and have worked hard to be where I am. I am growing. This prep has been longer and stronger (heavier!) than any I’ve done before. I’m ready! My muscles and strength are greater than they ever have been. I can do this.

Passion, strength, courage.

Sometimes, especially and specifically in that order… I have great passion for this sport I do and the identity it holds me to. I LOVE lifting and how it makes me feel and what it brings about in my life. Because of this passion, I contain the drive and willingness to work hard and keeping showing up for my own growth and preparation. My passion begets clarity and determination, which produce effort and results. My strength bolsters my courage. I can be brave because I know I’ve put in the work and time under the bar. I can be brave because I know I have done countless passionate, intentional repetitions. I can call on my growing courage, as it matches my growing strength.

This is not just about my body or the weights or numbers. This isn’t only muscle. This is about the iron will and the fortitude of our own brave and true characters. How badly do you want something? Who are you? Can you be bold? Can you push through fear and failure? Can you refuse to give up? Can you see your desired outcome with clarity, before it’s yet arrived?

This is about my mind too, not only my body. There is physical preparation and mental preparation. Mind work and body work. They go hand in hand. As I reflect on this, I remind myself: I can.

There will be fear. There is always fear. That’s how you know you care. Fear is an indication of your own passion and investment. I know I’ll be nervous to get out on the platform, and I know I’ll feel afraid of not finishing the lift and not being able to move the heaviest weight I ever have before.

I know it will be challenging. It’s SUPPOSED to feel heavy. Just because it’s heavy doesn’t mean you can’t lift it. This is powerlifting, this is life. It’s all the same: we can do hard things. We train for this, we prepare for this, we build ourselves up for this, we practice becoming who we are meant to be for this. Your mind will try to give up sooner than your body does; don’t let it. You will feel fear and doubt creep in before you’ve actually reached your limits; don’t listen.

So I remind myself: when you think you can’t, push harder. Hang in there. There will be sticking points, your lift might slow down, you might come to a stop and think it just feels too heavy. Refuse to give up. Grind. Grind through it, pull strength through your roots, push force out through every inch of your body, channel your muscles in every limb, brace your core, and keeping grinding. Let your mind believe in yourself, and just keep pushing until you prove to yourself all that you are capable of!

You’re going to explode out of each lift! And when it gets heavy enough and slow enough that the explosion is much slower, remind yourself you are ready to griiiiind. Just keep pushing. Stay with the bar. Stay with yourself.




A life well lived.


accepting help


literality does not cleverness make