
What can you be unabashedly proud of yourself for today?

How can you be supportive and absolutely gentle with yourself, in this very moment?

Even if it’s a tiny baby step, what’s a move you’ve made towards who you want to be and towards the beautiful, shining, strong, successful future you imagine?

Every single baby step deserves celebration. Self-flagellation won’t ever take you far. Self-celebration gets you all the way, baby.

I heard a great reminder/reframe in a Fiercely Fueled podcast episode this morning: remember that what is positively reinforced will be more likely to be repeated, so encourage your damn self! Celebrate your wins! Congratulate every moment of intentionality and courage and joy! High five yourself for any traction or momentum gained, and for any habit you want to keep up! It’ll only make it more likely to stick and easier to keep going.


invisible change


it starts within