self-compassion, pt. 2

You Are Good and You Are Trying Your Best.

That’s a newsletter Tara Schuster sent this morning.

And this is a note for days when you don’t feel your best, when you don’t think you’re up to the challenge, when you aren’t feeling empowered.

Life is hard and complicated sometimes. I’m doing my best, and I’m doing a great job. I’m good. I’m full of love. I have a big heart and true intentions, and I’m really trying. As Tara wrote, I’m made of stardust. (so are you, so are you, so are you)

There are so very many things I’m working on. Maybe you are too. Feels overwhelming sometimes, right? But we will pick up our chins, keep our shoulders squared, and move forward. Because it’s important, and we can. We will also rest. Because this is equally important, and we can.

In the best ways we know how. With authenticity, courage, and grace.

Self-compassion is another big thing. My own hate speech towards myself has got to go. Because I am good and doing my best! Because I don’t deserve this meanness. Because all humans are worthy of love. Because if I can’t give myself a high five just for getting out of bed in the morning, if I can’t celebrate who I am at the simplest level, I will never accomplish all my biggest desires or truly have what I want. (a Mel Robbins idea) Because degrading criticism does nothing for effective change.

We are our own worst critics, right? Here’s why we shouldn’t be. Go easier on yourself.

It’s okay if I’m bad at something today. There’s no rulebook saying I have to be good at deadlifts or career shit or nutrition or life by now. There’s no race. Sometimes I really beat myself up with comparison, and let me tell you, I come out worse for the wear every single time.

It’s okay if I’m bad at something. You too. With enough time and effort, we can improve. We can get better at anything if we really want to. I am willing to take the time and invest the effort, so why do I forget and berate myself as if I’m not? It’s okay if it takes me longer than most (or longer than I want or longer than the imaginary standard in my head). It’s just a zone of opportunity.

This place, situation, and moment in time is where I find myself today. This is my life, and I really don’t want to wait to live it. The bad stuff isn’t all of me and doesn’t define or make up my whole life — not even close. It’s just a sliver. Just a very small percentage. These details are just obstacles, challenges, the pain of living, invitations for learning and growing past where we are. The dark and the light of the magic, swirled together.

Stay with it, baby. Be good to yourself.


space & mental hygiene

