
I’ve been wondering the last few days how you know what to share and when. How soon is too soon? How much is too much? What needs to be kept private, sacred, or protected? Who are the people who have earned the privilege to each layer of ourselves?

With my writing and with my life, I want to practice showing up as beautifully aligned, honest, comfortably true to myself, authentic, and wholehearted as possible. I am trying to meet myself, over and over again, to know myself and become more aware of where I’m at in my becoming. I want to share who I am with courage and grace and joy and transparency.

While something is processing though, sometimes it isn’t the right time to share. Shauna Niequist calls it “letting it marinate.” We have to soak up what’s new for us, anything that’s tender and growing and deserves care and protection, and anything that hurts or was traumatic to go through and requires healing.

We’re touchy in the places we haven’t done this work or had this passing of time, because everything is still hyper-electric.

But sharing can also give us forward movement and unification through processing, healing, expanding, and celebrating joys. The key must be gauging carefully how much and with whom to share.




the imperative