something always happens

You have to keep choosing to stay on the path. You have to keep choosing to do the work. You have to keep choosing a growth mindset and to stay in alignment with your values.

Things will happen. Something always happens. Good or bad. Setbacks are inevitable, and there’s never going to be a time in your life when they don’t show up anymore. You will be challenged. If you weren’t ever facing challenges or dealing with setbacks or failure, you would not be growing… this is how you know you’re still alive, and you’re still evolving! You haven’t gone stagnant, and you are still pushing the bounds of your comfort instead of staying put. Still growing.

Something always happens. When the mishaps and disappointments arise — when things pop up that try to shut down your progress — don’t let them win.

If you know setbacks are inevitable, the only reasonable choice is to keep moving forward anyway, knowing you will forever get farther if you try and give it your best, showing up as who you really want to be, than if you just give in at the first sign of resistance each time.

Keep going. Do not crash and burn every time a new mishap arrives.

You can choose something different. If you know disappointments and challenges are out of your hands and are definitely going to continue to be part of life, then this means the only thing you can control is how you respond. How you show up regardless. Who you are being.

That is forever in your control, which is a strong and inspiring empowerment if you let it be.

Here’s why:

Something always happens.
And you can always still choose who you’ll be and what you’ll do next.
No matter what.

P.S. The alternative? …far worse. So no excuses, no self-pity; only self-compassion and courageous action.

P.P.S. Almost always, I write these letters for me. Sharing them helps. I hope it helps you too. xoxo


the one about everything


your birthday