your birthday


Of another year, of today, of this day all those years ago, for you being born, for the joy and wonder your life is, for all you have done and experienced, for every adventure you will next embark on, for all the growing and trying you have done, of everything that’s stretched you, of everything you have survived and become better for, for all the low moments and mistakes you have made and let go of, for all the ways you are staying soft and growing stronger, for every moment you choose to stay true to yourself, of all the people you love and who love you, of the beauty and delight you bring and the beauty and delight you get to soak up, for how you make the world better, for how happy we are you are here, of knowing each other and having each other to belong to, for community and memories, of the commemoration and passing of time, of all the changes and everything that has stayed the same, the new and the constant, for the past and the future… and especially, always, for right now, and the life you are living and who you are in each moment.

Happy birthday!


something always happens


anything can happen