the alternative

What’s the alternative?

Don’t want to clear the way?

Don’t want to do the work?

Don’t want to put yourself out there or feel the terror or move past the anxious lizard brain?

Don’t want messier but better?

…OK, then what’s the alternative?

Staying where you are, forever?

Feeling stuck but trying to deny it?

Scraping along and pretending this is what you want?

Trying to paint a beautiful picture, while limiting the colors in your palette you’re allowing yourself to use?

Mitigating all risk and staying safe? (This is impossible to achieve anyway.)

Keeping yourself comfortable so you don’t have to be seen, don’t have to fear failure, don’t have to fear success, don’t have to worry about what people might think, don’t have to chance heartbreak or disappointment or not getting what you want?

And in doing that?

Actually ending up getting nothing that you really, deeply, truly want?

Forfeiting your truest, most beautiful (one wild and precious) life?

Rushing through? Numbing out?

Being unwilling to experiment, to try things, to fail faster, to fail forward, to “suck hard?” (A phrase my husband taught me — suck hard, suck often, suck a lot… be bad at stuff and keep going. Keep learning. You never get better if you aren’t willing to suck first. The people who become the best? They embrace the suck and don’t let it stop them.)

So what’s the alternative?

Is this it?

Does this seem better to you?

Me neither. ❤

Take heart. Keep going. Live your great story.


suck hard


clearing the way for surprise gifts