time’s paradox

You have time. There is no rush to the process. Nothing must happen automatically or immediately or even quickly. I would wager a guess that nothing meaningful you’ve built so far has been an on/off switch or an all-at-once major change. These things take time and practice. Incremental steps build long-lasting habits and oceans of change. You CAN do this.

You can’t afford to wait. You never know how much time you have left. Your life is so brief in the grand scheme of the universe. Your minutes are finite, your days are immeasurably valuable. You must start. You must use this awareness of impermanence to keep your wits sharp and yourself engaged in action and presence for what really matters to you.

Both are true at once.

In each tiny moment of effort and your perspective to approaching something massive in a doable way (How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.), remember you have time. Do not let the enormity or challenge of a dream keep you from trying. Because you don’t have to be in a rush, and it is worth the wait. It’s okay if it’s hard; you’ve done hard things before (like eat an elephant!), and you’ll do them again. One step at a time. The increments compound.

And in the overall driving awareness of your life, do not let yourself grow complacent or procrastinate with the shallow reassurance of never-ending tomorrows. Your dreams matter, and they are important enough to start now. There will come a time when you can no longer put off the actions you have stalled on, and you will wish you had started sooner. Or there will come a time when you can look back and say, “I am so glad I took that first step ten years ago and then just kept moving forward one tiny bit at a time, every day after.”

You have time. No need for panic. It will all unfold just as it should, and patience is crucial. You got this.

Also, there’s not much time, so why delay?? Just get started.

All the best,


little joys


snow magic