
How do you keep going, maintain patience for the waiting, when you feel like you cannot? When you just don’t want to? When you aren’t yet seeing the results or progress you’ve been working so hard for and it feels like it’s been so long?

Vision. Keeping the future reality alive in your mind’s eye. Stoking the embers of hope, wonder, and belief. Bolstering yourself with reminders of Why. Why are you doing this in the first place? What could be possible? (everything! But none of it is possible if you stop now.)

Holding onto a strong vision and purpose can pull you through and give the waiting, work, fear, and sacrifice more meaning. You will know this is rich fallow ground. It’s getting ready for what is coming next. If you really BELIEVE in what is coming next — even if you can’t yet see it — it will give you courage to keep going.

Think of epic tales like Braveheart and Lord of the Rings, and the scenes when the brave leader, like Aragorn, charges along the front line of his soldiers giving the inspirational, rallying speech with enormous heart. No matter the losses, the heartbreak, the fear, the unknowns, the great work and sacrifice. Courage. This reminds them all: we know why we’re fighting. Do not give up. We can do this, or fight to our last breath, because it will be worth it.

Keep your vision alive. You may be in the tunnel now, but the tunnel ends eventually, and the light at the end will be stunning.


to look forward to


seems ≠ is