wishes: the best that could happen

What’s the best that could happen?

We hear it all the time: “What’s the worst that could happen?” As a comforting consolation, a perspective reframe to keep yours fears in check. As a reminder that often, even if the worst outcome you can picture actually did come to pass as a result of you trying something, it probably wouldn’t be the end of the world. Maybe not even a big deal at all. Fixable. Figureoutable. Worth risking for the sake of the opportunity.

But what if instead of consoling ourselves or fretting over the worst possibilities, what if we spent a little more time with the BEST possibilities??

What if we thought more about the wildest, sparkliest, BEST adventure that could possibly come true?

What if we focused a lot more attention on exactly how we WISH things would turn out — if we genuinely believed we could wish for any audacious, colorful, beautiful dream within our hearts? With no limitation. No playing small. Narrowing nothing down, cutting nothing out, just letting our imaginations be free and true and strong. Burn brightly, you shining diamond.

So what are your biggest wishes?

How can you use the power of your imagination for good, and what picture of the future are you painting in your mind?

What if those wishes came true?

What if there was something you could do about them, every day — even if it’s something small, because everyday magic is tiny changes compounding into massive transformation over time! — and then what if it works??

Are you keeping room in your heart for the unimaginable?

I think this is really important because without it, if we don’t believe in the sparkliest, strongest, brightest, dreamiest version of our future, we won’t keep striving and fighting the good fight to make it happen. If we genuinely think what we wish for is impossible, or we don’t deserve it, or chances are, it won’t happen for us… then we won’t be showing up every day with the intent and follow through to make it happen.

Our wishes can be self-fulfilling prophecies. Our imaginations can help or hinder us. Our dreams are meant to be pursued and realized.

I think spending more time considering the BEST that could happen is a powerful tool for each of us, and I want it for you and for me — I want us to tap into the magic. I’m a worrier, in my default state, by genetics and upbringing and self-practiced bad habits, and I’m working on unbecoming worry and becoming wonder, whimsy, belief, and magic instead. Seems like a good trade to me. More helpful and more delightful.

So if you want to make the trade too, join me! What’s the best that could happen?? See it.

Make a wish. Don’t sell it short, don’t trim it down to size, and don’t stamp it out. Believe in it, root for it, give it a chance! Watch it coming true.


keep stacking

