
Being a beginner is scary. You have a lot of questions and not much experience or practice.

Anything can happen! It might be awesome. It might all go wrong. You could fall on your face. You might embarrass yourself. Maybe you will have the best time of your life!

So there’s the fear.

But the beginner also has the gift of novelty. Wonder and whimsy flow freely in this stage. Everything is brand new! Your senses are sharpened, your awareness is heightened.

Maybe you want to be the seasoned pro, but don’t forget this is the first step towards that; and it’s a pretty cool step, full of delight and excitement! You never have to “grow up” about it, even when the experienced folks around you are serious or no longer amazed by the environment or activity. You can embrace all the enthusiasm within you and feel every ounce of your captivating, childlike joy.

Keep your eyes wide open during your whole season of newness, and be amazed!

P.S. This is my second draft of this post… because a thing I am pretty new at is traveling (especially by myself!), and I wrote this while sitting in an airport terminal! (Yes, lots of novelty for me. Fun. STRESS, too! Wow) …but then my first draft was accidentally erased. 😵‍💫🤪 To being new!


doing what you think you can’t

