
• “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.”*

• “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”**

It’s easier to keep going when we get the boost of mini wins and glimpses of progress along the way. When we can see trail markers pointing the direction of where we’re headed. When the destination seems not only attainable, but also like the clear, natural occurrence to follow what’s happening now.

It’s much harder to keep going and to maintain belief in something when the signs are invisible and we haven’t had a win in a while. When our efforts, as far as we know, could just as easily be in vain, as they could be leading to the success we want. When our set determination is required to keep maintaining the vision we have for the future and to keep taking action towards, as if it will certainly come true.

Self-doubt and fears will creep into our minds, and we have to remember they do not belong in the truest story of our lives, they will not take us where we want to go, and they are not empowering tools. Don’t mistake your fear for reality.

We are only limited by what we can dream and believe.

Keep believing. Hold fast to your vision of the future, even when the present doesn’t seem to be playing along.

Sometimes it takes longer than you expect (definitely longer than hoped), and once you reach it, the idea of giving up back at that last bend in the road when you were beyond tempted to do so… well, it will seem wild and like the luckiest gift to yourself that you did not.

Faith is the evidence and assurance of things hoped for. The strong belief in what’s coming. The complete trust and confidence in your dream for your future.

Faith is your conviction for this vision, even when you can’t see it around you yet.

So faith can be hard to hold onto.

Keep growing it inside you. Faith like a mustard seed. It’s enough. We’ll take it. You can move your mountains.

Keep practicing. Your faith muscles will get stronger, and you will remain more and more steadfast to bigger and bigger visions.

Clear your eyes. Shift your perspective.

Never forget what a powerful ally your own faith is. Keep your conviction warm and flaming. See the future unfolding in your mind, and trust it. Move forward boldly. Do not give up. Hold fast. Hopepunk. You’ve got this.


**(the Bible)




slippery slope