a blurb

What has your soul feeling filled up, content, and satisfied?

How are you thriving?

What do you want more of?

What do you need to cut out?

What do you write about when there’s nothing to write?

Sometimes I think I write as a way to solve my problems and see inside myself, but sometimes I’m floating on a moment and so delighted by the present experience of my life that I just want to keep doing doing doing, living living living, savoring it all, soaking it up, moving onto the next and next, thank you, please… Sometimes — especially more and more lately — I find myself looking around, realizing how subconsciously HAPPY I am and have been and realize everything I’m doing is something I really want to keep doing! So sometimes I feel like I don’t need to write… don’t need to see inside myself or take myself away from a moment to solve any problems because right in the totally present moment, there are none.

Sometimes it’s hard to pull myself away. For chores and annoying stuff, of course — the tedium. But even hard to pull myself away for other things I love, like this blog!

Sometimes I don’t want to write because it sounds like work or I don’t feel the motivation or think I have any good ideas.

…but these other times I don’t feel like writing because I am too contented by what I’m already doing! (working at my amazing job, learning Spanish, eating ice cream with Netflix, walking around the neighborhood with my pup and my man, seeing neighbors and dogs…)

We keep stacking our bricks. I know what I want to grow in my life, and I am trying and choosing to stay devoted to that growth and vision. (This could be a good topic for a future day: what if focusing on where you want growth and MORE of something good is so much better, stronger, more beneficial, more fun, and more impactful than focusing on what you want less of and the “bad” things or habits you need to cut out. Maybe a love- and empowerment-focused change is centered around letting in so much good that the bad naturally wanes. Maybe that is far more effective in the long run.)

Keep stacking the bricks. Keep having some fun. Keep being a human, since there is no other choice, and love the days as they come and life as you live it. Time will keep passing either way.

Happy days!


the myth of overnight success


when you’re ready