
Today I sat down to write and realized I have not had a proper check in and general, honest reflection in some time! I didn’t know what to write about, but I realized maybe that’s because I needed to find some clarity on my inner world. Like, hello tiny beautiful sparkles and thoughts and feelings living inside me! How are we today??

In high school, I had an English teacher who told his students, “If you want to know what your face looks like, check the mirror. If you want to know what your mind looks like, write.”

That stuck with me, and I still think about it. When we write, we get to see our thoughts and get to know them. Even thoughts we had no idea were dwelling inside us.

So, I think sometimes we need a little exploration! (Grab your flashlights! Let’s go spelunking!)

Here’s how my writing started today… by typing every pertinent question I could think of, so I could come back and answer them and see what I find!


How am I feeling? 

Where am I at?

What’s going precisely, absolutely right at the moment/in this season?

What are the tiny delights I’ve noticed that have brought me joy and have been perfect moments of sparkling, dazzling beauty and wonder?

How am I having fun?

How am I NOT having fun?

Where’s the friction?  Is there any drama?  Is any of it unnecessary (of my own creation, for no benefit)?  

What’s hard right now?  How am I being challenged?  Am I learning from any of this?

How’s my heart?  How’s my creativity?

Am I enjoying my life?

Do I feel in charge of writing this story?  Main character energy?

Am I doing everything I wish I was doing right now?  If I’m not – why??

What do I want more of?

What do I want less of?

What gives???

I had so much fun writing the questions and was already looking forward to answering them and discovering wherever it would take me. From past experience, I know these kinds of invitations often lead to some of our best words, writing, and realizations! I started answering and filled in a lot. Then throughout the day, as I had time, I went back and added more answers to waiting questions here and there. I have not even answered quite half of them yet… but I wrote a lot under a few of them! One of the questions — Where am I at? — elicited several paragraphs in response! (More on that in the next blog post.)

If you, like me, haven’t checked in with yourself in a while, here’s your invitation. You’re welcome to borrow my questions if they suit you. 🤗


desert mirage

