life (right now) in two sentences

All in all, here I am, continuing to Be a Human in the only ways I know how, doing my best, and it sounds lofty when put like this, but it’s really not; it’s the ebb and flow, the seasons and transitions, challenges you think you just can’t take, only then you DO, pockets of joy and delight, fun and play, satisfaction over a job well done, pride and relief over ground gained, over moving forward, making progress, figuring it out one second at a time, even when it’s horrifically (beautifully?) stumbling and confused, the big feelings and waves of emotion, everything, all of it, the fit I threw yesterday and all the unknowns, growing pains, lovely views, the hand squeezed tight around mine, trying and failing and trying again, from despair to hope, everyday magic, and knowing it’s all — somehow — going to be okay, and it’s going to be beautiful.

It already is.

Love, Bri


the cave


space & mental hygiene