
“I’m just ready for some relax time. I’ve been creating hard.” 🤣🥰

-me to Jake last night after I published my 10th blog post (!!! 🥳) and finished a week of showing up for my ideas and desires and putting in consistent time and effort

I published my tenth blog post yesterday, which is something I’m massively proud of! I have wanted to be a writer for so long and have wanted to create a blog and publish a book and somehow share my work rather than keeping it to myself.

But I was scared to start and scared to show up and be seen.

I have decided to commit wholeheartedly to the desires of my heart and the dreams of my imagination and show up every day to take action for them instead of just thinking about them for some unknown point in the future but doing nothing now. Dreams without action — without putting yourself on the line, at risk, outside your comfort zone — will amount to nothing. It might feel safer to just talk and dream for the future… but at what cost?

You can’t afford to wait on living YOUR life, in the way you really want to.

You can start anytime.

Your present experience is NOW, and now is all you’ve really got.

With my Nows, I am determinedly and continually practicing greeting my ideas and desires with commitment and action. (And sometimes this is small! I’m learning to embrace consistency and micro-habits whenever needed, in the spirit of “something is better than nothing.”)

This is playing out over several important areas of my life, and one of the big ones right now is this blog.

So: ten posts!!!

I am proud of showing up day after day to write and edit and share. Proud of the courage. Proud of the heart going into my work. Proud of the behind-the-scenes website set up and editing. Proud of my repetition and consistency. Proud of the creativity and contribution, the words and photos and care. Proud of the start and already proud of the future! (If I’ve made this much progress in less than two weeks, imagine how much I can create a year from now!) And really proud of how much fun I’m having with it, and what a circle of joy it is for me right now!

I was giddy with excitement last night to have ten posts published, and I took my husband into the kitchen, got out two fancy glasses, opened a bottle of sparkling grape juice, and told him my Big Announcement so we could toast.

Don’t forget to celebrate at every opportunity.

Show up for yourself and what you really want in life.

Then commemorate and dance about the little and big magic all along the way.

This is your life! You’re doing it!

These are your dreams! Well done!

Kitchen dance party, commence.


lizard brain


be light