together we bloom

On the tail end of what was a moderately rough week, I have a great reminder:

🌷 Together, we bloom. 🌷

On Friday night, I went out for a fancy dinner with my best friend Julia, to catch up, have a girls night, and celebrate her birthday! Julia is my kindred spirit; I treasure her and our time together so much! We had incredible pasta, drinks, and dessert, talked about everything, danced, laughed, and hung out with a couple sweet strangers also out for a girls night. It was exactly what I needed!

Then Saturday morning — today — I had a quick video message chat with my friend Shane, checking in on where we’re at with some shared goals, mindset, and fitness things. We’ve been talking about challenges and getting through tough stuff. I went to the gym and felt invigorated (gym = always worth it).

After the gym, Jake and I went for a breakfast date. Today is our six and a half year anniversary of our first date, which feels wild and unbelievable at the same time as also totally natural and of course, because this has been building, years in the making, and I can’t imagine my life without him.

We had a perfect little breakfast, with really great conversation. Afterwards, we went for a spontaneous drive to the aquarium store forty five minutes away and brainstormed the new mini reef tank we’re going to create together. #couplegoals (😂 just kidding)

It was a much-needed morning of adventure and quality time and connection, with lots of little play and dreams sprinkled in.

When we got home, I met another lovely friend, Hannah, for coffee… just another gift of connection and conversation! Hannah is a self-proclaimed cheerleader for her friends, and she does it so well. We had so much fun, covered lots of topics, and celebrated each others’ newest news, accomplishments, and dreams.

Then! The cherry on top of my friend-filled weekend was going through the McDonalds drive thru and noticing a car pull in behind me… just as I was thinking to myself, “hey, that looks like Julia!” the driver held her phone up to take my photo, and I popped my head out the window with a giant wave, realizing it WAS Julia! 😂 Happy surprise. We were cracking up.

I spent the rest of the afternoon with Jake working on chores and projects around the house and thinking about the power of friends. The friends mentioned here, who I got to spend time with this weekend, and so many other special people.

Together, we bloom.

I am so thankful for all the incredible friends and relationships in my life, and I’m lucky to have each one of them. We’re better together. We can get through, together. We can do hard things, together. We can lighten the load and share our stories and make everything brighter. We thrive, together. We get to celebrate and cheer and enjoy time spent together. We get to have fun, make memories, and experience the best of life. We also get to be there for each other when life isn’t the best.

How rich are we, to have each other?

Bloom on, dear friends.



on letting it be easy


little joys