lessons from the platform
I competed in my first powerlifting meet last weekend. (It was amazing!!!)
Here are four things I’d like to share about life, via this meet day…
You will feel afraid. Going through our fears is the path to the life we want.
Psychologist Phil Stutz said there are “three aspects of reality that no one gets to avoid: pain, uncertainty, and constant work. So those are things that you’re just going to have to live with no matter what.”
Inevitably, you will face fear and uncertainty at some point in your life. Maybe some level of it all the time. You don’t get to avoid experiencing this feeling. But we do all get to choose what we do with fear when it shows up.
Feeling afraid does not mean you’re doing something wrong, and it doesn’t mean you can’t achieve what’s in front of you. Often, the presence of fear is the announcement that this experience really matters to you… and that’s a great sign! Follow that. Embrace it. Know that you can feel fear and still choose to keep going; that power is within you, and fear is something you CAN withstand.
You will never become who you’re meant to be or live into the fullness of your beautiful story if you are unwilling to deal with fear and move forward anyway.
You need your community. We cannot fully face our fears, grow, thrive, connect, push ourselves, heal, and succeed without others.
I was terrified for meet day. This was a brand new experience for me, and there were a lot of uncertainties to navigate.
I could not have gotten to where I am or had the competition day I had without my team. I wouldn’t have felt so supported and capable without my coaches and all the family and friends who showed up and everyone in that community rooting for me.
My incredible coach, Susie, was the one who truly got me ready for competition for months, with all her prep, guidance, and wisdom. She also made meet day an awesome experience for me and was spot on helping me with everything.
When I was super stressed and freaking out the night before competition, it was my husband, Jake, who reminded me the presence of fear meant I was doing something that matters, and that’s exactly how it’s supposed to be. He let me know everything I was feeling was normal, and I didn’t have to stress about why I was reacting that way.
How can we grow if we are never pushed, how can we be brave if we never feel fear? Jake reminded me the nerves I had meant I was right where I should be. He’s my number one, supports me through everything, and was so great on comp day.
One amazing gym friend, Kim, who was coaching me through the last event of the day told me, “Just because it’s heavy DOES NOT mean you can’t lift it. It’s supposed to feel heavy. YOU CAN DO THIS.” ❤
Two of our closest friends, Shawna and Wyatt, stopped by the night before to bring me a basket full of perfect meet fuel snacks and a note saying how proud they and excited they were, they came to the competition to watch and cheer, and they took us out for a celebration dinner afterwards! I can’t tell you how much it all meant to me.
And my sister, my parents, and my in-laws all showed up on meet day!! So many people and so much love! Taking pictures and videos and rooting for me. It was a little mind blowing in the best way.
Even the yelling and shouting and palpable energy of all the powerlifters and supporters in the room! We might be strangers, but we’re automatically connected through this sport, and we all want everyone there to shine. What a lucky and powerful camaraderie.
Where would I be without all these people? Who would I be?
You don’t have to live your life alone, and everything in your life will become so much stronger, clearer, and more meaningful with deep love and community surrounding you. Invest in it. Whoever your chosen people are, take good care of them and let them take good care of you. We’re better together. It is the best and biggest gift.
You CAN do it. We are capable of so much more than we realize.
Like Kim said, just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
You can do it. You were born for this, you’re ready. This is what we work so hard for.
Believe in yourself. Push hard for what you want.
One of the biggest lessons in powerlifting is: when you get stuck in a lift, grind hard. Do not stop, no matter what. Don’t you dare give up. Stay with the bar. Just keep pushing. Your body is capable, even when your mind tells you no.
It’s true in the rest of our lives, too. Too often we let our thoughts limit how far we’re willing to go because we think that’s all we’re capable of.
Don’t listen to those thoughts. Do not be afraid to fail, trust yourself, and just keep going.
From Sisters of Iron, best damn lifting community of strong women, founded and owned by Susie Aranda
4. Life is beautiful. We must find the experiences, journey, and daily life that makes everything worthwhile for each of us.
I’m so grateful I found powerlifting and get to be part of it. I can’t wait for my next meet and just to get back in the gym and keep training!
I’m also deeply rooted in many other things, like lifelong musicianship, writing, and connecting in the valued relationships in my life.
There are big and small circles, separate and overlapping, simultaneously making our lives what they are. Little interests and consuming passions. Things we share with others, and routines we do alone. New additions to our life experiences because of someone else who brought them into our world. The moments that make our days, the dreams we build towards.
Your life is yours to craft and yours to enjoy. What is most meaningful for you? What makes all the “pain, uncertainty, and constant work” worth it?
Lots of love,