future paths
On exploring…

worse before better
Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better.
We make a mess of things, and then the breakthroughs and improvements come.
Here’s to the return: To keep coming back to the vows we make, over and over again, through any scenario, knowing that continuing on together and finding out what’s on the other side of this storm is better than starting over somewhere else or with someone else.

as a month goes: on the dark lows, joyful highs, hope, & carrying on
How to carry on when you’re feeling bowled over by a tough season, moment, feeling, or thought.
Life is everything, right?? Sometimes all at once. All the joy and struggle and celebration and hardship. It’s tough. But so are we.

The end is really the beginning…
On the year of everyday magic. 300 posts!
To 2024. To more words, our best stories, and making our art. Make your life a song. Do your soul’s work. Put your ass where your heart wants to be. Live it up.
I love you.

On loving better…
Loving and being loved is such a high matter, such a big task, such a tall importance. It is simple and also profound. It is difficult and also the easiest thing in the world. It is pain and sacrifice and humility and joy and astonishment. A gift.

your truth
We need you, just the size and shape you are, in just the true, authentic life you’re meant to be living.

strategies for weaknesses
You don’t have to be good at everything. Sometimes it pays to pick your battles. You don’t have to “fix” every weakness you find in yourself… some can simply be acknowledged and worked with.

looking back
On the lessons and memories behind us and the living ahead of us…

am I the only one?
On community, friendship, and help in the hardships…
Sometimes, what we really want to hear is simply that we aren’t alone.

fresh starts
On clarity, direction, and starting anew…

taking breaks
What kinds of breaks might we need this week? Here’s a list, to jog your imagination and possibility muscles…

The end of December is an invitation and opportunity, in my mind, to get organized and heartfelt and settled in. To take stock. To feel and imagine and unwind, so we can start fresh.

the best we can do
On doing what you can…

the origins: thank you
Where it all started…

holiday musings
Wrapping up the year, looking ahead to the new one, resting, having fun, setting sights on goals and determined visions…

On friends. The ones who stand beside us when things are hard, and celebrate and comfort on the other side.

focused discipline
I can notice the challenge and then remind myself I’m built for it, I’m strong, and I can grow because of this. I can notice the challenge and then just decide: decide what I will build under pressure.

the art of returning
And then we start again.
And the practice is very forgiving, very welcoming.
And the return transports us right back to where we need to be.

self trust, pt. 2
Listen to yourself. You do not have to constantly look outside the bounds of your own wisdom to poll other people and follow someone else’s advice or seek the majority opinion.

self trust
On listening to the unique, irrevocable, personal wisdom deep within you — your own knowing and intuition — and not letting other people’s voices drown it out. Trust yourself.