Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


Might not be today; might not be tomorrow; might take a while and a lot of work. But it’s growing, so hang in there.

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the big day
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

the big day

You’re wading into the currents, making a shift, facing the big thing.

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


On acting every day, in at least one small way, as if everything you want is already coming true…

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bubbling lightness
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

bubbling lightness

Sometimes you don’t realize the full weight of a burden until it’s lifted. And then comes joy, relief, bubbling happiness. Onto the savoring and celebration!

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everyday magic, pt. 3
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

everyday magic, pt. 3

The amazing, magical, painful, joyful reality and grace of life is everything matters, and everything is connected, and there is rarely a tidy separation between the hard times and best times.

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what now?
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

what now?

Staring at a blank page. Cursor blinking. Unknown and possibility ahead.

Will you let the fear stop you, or will you be brave, creative, persistent, and generous, and get started with your work?

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


As someone who has been very passionate and has also been very lost in the dark and unsure, I am so happy to know my actions will allow me to experiment and stumble across possibilities I couldn’t have thought up without trying things. Then as I go, passion will find me and grow.

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mesmerizing time stoppers
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

mesmerizing time stoppers

Last night, as I was sitting watching the 4th of July fireworks, I started thinking about their mesmerizing quality and the effect they have on time.

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fitness & transformation
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

fitness & transformation

On the tools and dedicated practices that keep us free.
I want to pay the dues for my freedom, not because I will always feel like paying them in every moment and scenario, but because my life without this freedom is so much worse. 

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


The itch of the liminal space, with its difficulty AND its gifts.

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


The best work we can do with our lives, with any and all the days and time we get, is love.

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on fitting in, pt. 2
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

on fitting in, pt. 2

Imagine on the bright side, not the dark side.
What if exactly who you are is exactly what this place is missing?

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wishes: the best that could happen
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

wishes: the best that could happen

What do you really wish for? Do you believe in it?

What if we thought more about the wildest, sparkliest, BEST adventure that could possibly come true?

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


On the gifts and opportunities that can only come from rejection. Just because you’ve failed doesn’t mean you’re done; this is only the beginning.

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invisible change
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

invisible change

And knowing you’re on your life’s right path, for your most aligned self and values.

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


Every single baby step deserves celebration. Self-flagellation won’t ever take you far. Self-celebration gets you all the way, baby.

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it starts within
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

it starts within

Sometimes we — people in general — aren’t ready to hear advice. Sometimes no matter how constructive the criticism, it won’t land. The openness must come first. When we are ready and willing to get curious and consider change, then we can begin to notice and pick up on opportunity. Then we can listen and really hear.

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