the return
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

the return

On the dreams our mermaid spirits call for, returning and reawakening, the fears we must engage and move through, the fresh romance of delight and curiosity on the other side, and all of our continuous becoming.

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ally or averter?
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

ally or averter?

People who are not pursuing their dreams are not capable of helping you or encouraging you as you achieve yours. They aren’t the ones in the arena with you.

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sailing the ship
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

sailing the ship

Find your lighthouse and keep your sights set on it. No good sailor falls prey to wherever the waves may chaotically take her; your ship would be smashed to pieces. The good news is: you can steer.

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a message from Blue
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

a message from Blue

The love of a dog. A secret, not-so-encoded message from her big brown eyes and big loving heart!

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


What do you want?

Let’s notice, together, and then develop a bias in our minds towards finding, magnetizing, and taking actions and tiny, continual steps towards our desire.

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


Information hits the brain, but that doesn't mean it's been absorbed by the heart yet.

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


I’ve been wondering the last few days how you know what to share and when.

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the imperative
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

the imperative

What do you really want? What can you claim as your own, letting your heart lead, and listening to its call? What exactly is it that you’ve convinced yourself you can’t have, for a long list of “Perfectly Reasonable Justifications?” What is it that your soul aches for anyway? Do you really want to go on denying it?

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what your soul aches for
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

what your soul aches for

Our dreams will forever live within our beautiful, bold, creative, resilient hearts. We will either pursue them or be haunted by them…

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fear, pt. 2
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

fear, pt. 2

What works when I’m afraid, is not avoiding my fear, protecting myself from my fear, or coddling myself through my fear…

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a playful spirit & self-parenting
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

a playful spirit & self-parenting

Have you ever known a Playful Spirit to be consumed with stress or worry? No, me neither. A terrific antidote to so much! Playfulness just drives the bad stuff out. If we can cultivate our own playful spirits within ourselves and stay connected to them, it helps keep joy, wonder, and hope alive and keeps our focus centered.

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the cave
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

the cave

You will go into the cave and face your fears and find your treasure. You will create what you’re meant to create, because it lives in your heart and wants to be expressed, and you will have whatever impact you have, and someone else will have whatever impact they’ll have, and it’s not a race or a competition (in life’s comparison game, everyone loses all the time anyway, so don’t play it), and we will all make the world a better place, together.  Collectively.  United, we’re outstanding.

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self-compassion, pt. 2
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

self-compassion, pt. 2

On being good to yourself. How we talk to ourselves and how we move forward, even on days when we don’t feel our best.

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