Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


"One does not discover new lands

without consenting to lose sight of the shore

for a very long time."

-Andre Gide

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


Resilience is something that gets built — that grows in us and is forged by fire — out of no other option.

Resilience is born when your options are either crumble and fall or rise and keep going.

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wintery ground
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

wintery ground

Even in your winter, there is still joy to be found and still magic in your life. There are flowers growing through the crispy, dried up, dead leaves. And if there aren’t flowers yet, there will be soon.

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sin miedo al éxito
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

sin miedo al éxito

Everyone loves to talk about being afraid of failure, and it can seem like an excellent excuse.

But what if sometimes it’s not failure we’re afraid of, but SUCCESS?

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vocab list ii
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

vocab list ii

Why words?

For the depth and importance they hold in connecting with others.

For the articulation and excellency of honing writing skills.

For the expanded knowledge and menu of options, the array of tools at my disposal.

For fun!

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time’s paradox, pt. 2
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

time’s paradox, pt. 2

On risk and time.

Prepare, within reason, as much as you can. Lay the groundwork. Show up. Do your part. Do your best.

And then leap.

That is also your part. Putting the prep into action is your job.

Do not let the fear that you can never be fully ready stop you from trying when the time is right.

We learn as we go.

Experience is the best teacher.

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


Let yourself become delighted — enchanted, wowed, whimsied (not a word??? let’s make it a word!) — and watch what happens.

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strong leaders
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

strong leaders

On contributing, leading, and receiving leadership.

What is a strong leader?

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on fitting in
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

on fitting in

You don’t have to fit in anywhere.

You already belong.

Your intrinsic worth and baked-in belonging can never be separated or taken away from you.

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the doors in our hearts
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

the doors in our hearts

What happens when we close the doors in our hearts, with our dreams locked inside?

I walked up to the door last night, gave a little tap-tap, and the dream was still inside, alive and strong, and ready to come out to play…

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finding tiny joy
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

finding tiny joy

On the finding, noticing, and creating we can do each day for tiny joys. The mini little magic tucked away, waiting to surprise us with a small gift of delight.

Whether your life feels full of delight right now or feels like you’re focusing hard to even notice one or two small things each day.

Feat. my work office’s resident Western Lizard with a Very Important Message!

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attention amplification, pt. 2
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

attention amplification, pt. 2

Part of life is pain and hardship, part of life will always be exhausting and difficult, stress will never be entirely eliminated… and we have to learn to really live anyway.

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


On collecting ideas to utilize later and anything else you need to keep yourself in the sparked and engaged mindset and state of action for moving forward with your best life and work!

Collect good stuff. Fuel well. Launch from there.

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the vows we take
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

the vows we take

A vow keeps you moving when you want to give up.

A vow is a reminder of all that you hold dear.

A vow is made up of the words you promise when you are at your best, as something to fall back on when you’re at your worst.

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attention amplification
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

attention amplification

The object of your focus and attention becomes amplified and multiplied, and you’ll notice it more and more, everywhere.

This is a superpower because it’s something within our control.

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the ineffectiveness of the one-eighty
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

the ineffectiveness of the one-eighty

I spent a wonderful evening talking with someone dear to me recently, and she mentioned this generation is one that is finally recognizing the ineffectiveness of responding to something from our past or upbringing we hated or that was harmful for us by going to extremes to do the exact opposite.
(Also: why the phrase “be who you needed when you were young” doesn’t work, and what to do instead…)

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