Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


On telling the truth with your life. Your wholehearted yeses, your intuitive nos. All that is hard and unsolved within you, all that is bold and sure. Let the truth come to the surface and be welcomed, always. Let the light in.

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love letter for the tired
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

love letter for the tired

On rest and self-care and reminding ourselves we are always enough. What to do when it all gets to be too much, too fast.

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


Curiosity is the path to learning and transformation. It’s also the path to self-discovery in a loving and effective way.

If we’re going to develop a lifelong love of learning about ourselves and the world around us, and if we’re going to cultivate wonder and space for magic in our lives, we’re going to need to stay curious.

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


Self-compassion is the cornerstone for all beautiful change. When we love ourselves, we can love others.

From love we can do anything.

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ease & energy
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

ease & energy

It doesn’t have to be hard to be good or to mean you’re doing well.
It can be easy. It can be light.

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tripping over joy
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

tripping over joy

On centering around joy. Surrendering to awe, lightness, laughter, and fun. The dance with the sublime.

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


Our needs and desires are ever-flowing, so our actions and tending must be accordingly responsive. The lanterns that get us through are the tools we keep in our toolbox, the tried-and-trues we know work.

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


On containing multitudes and rainbows. Strong and gentle. Afraid and taking action anyway (this is bravery). The question and the answer.

Your life can be both magic and mundane.

The enduring gift is our ability to live wholeheartedly and to be truly who we are.

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uncovering & discovering
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

uncovering & discovering

"Stories are found on the page. It's through a quantity of writing that we uncover what our work is really about."

-Amber Rae

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


There is a marked difference between how I feel when I am well-resourced and well-nourished vs. how I feel when I am ignoring what I need and want.

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


An enchanted, dreamy life is possible and is so much deeper and richer when seasoned by the resilience of growing through struggle and coming to the other side (no matter how many times it takes) with more wisdom, intention, strength, and joy.

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your flight of stairs
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

your flight of stairs

We can live our lives authentically and with confidence, letting wonder and magic lead the way, and deciding waiting in worry at the bottom of the staircase of our lives just won’t do.

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lessons from the platform
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

lessons from the platform

I competed in my first powerlifting meet last weekend. (It was amazing!!!)

Here are four things I’d like to share about life, via this meet day…

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Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt


Fear is part of the deal, and experiencing it will not destroy you.

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love is
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

love is

Love is you and me and everything we share.

Love is how all people are one and connected through more than divides us, if we’re willing to pay attention.

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