responsive self care
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

responsive self care

On noticing where we are and what we need and having the flexibility and responsiveness to meet those needs.

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memory maps
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

memory maps

On the places of our childhood building maps deep within our hearts and minds and the fascinating magic portal effects they hold…
Whether you've been there recently or not for a long time, you can picture them perfectly clearly, and a return visit instantly prompts acute familiarity and floods of memories.

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hi, here I am
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

hi, here I am

What is my life about right now? How do loneliness and belonging fit into this?

Here I am: in this current season.

Hi, here I am: showing up for connection.

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tiny deeds
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

tiny deeds

When you don’t know what to do, sometimes anything is enough.

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car jams
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

car jams

Car jams, a magic mini playlist for you, reflections on zombie Fridays and life and love and joy and rest…

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playing to our strengths
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

playing to our strengths

Here’s to playing to our strengths. Here’s to being better together. Here’s to hanging in there and not giving up until you find where you are meant to be, doing something you really love.

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the long game: even when
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

the long game: even when

It’s the long game. Do it even when it isn’t fun, and it will get more and more and more fun the further you go.

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the myth of overnight success
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

the myth of overnight success

On what happens behind-the-scenes of most “overnight successes” and why this part matters so much more than the accomplishment…

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a blurb
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

a blurb

A little something about not a whole lot…

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when you’re ready
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

when you’re ready

In regards to following your delights, I recognize this is more easily done when you are in a good place.

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best, truest self
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

best, truest self

Truly practice being who you envision yourself to be. Practice and live as if you already are her. You must build this character, wisdom, patience, and generosity of spirit over time, with great intention.

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the phasing seasons
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

the phasing seasons

How are you enjoying the final remnants of summer and witnessing the transition of seasons?

Are there any ways you are grounding into the earth and nature around you?

Noticing the changes coming, in the turning of the Universe’s cycles, the way the plants are responding (or will soon), in their fullness and peak production, nearing rest and dormancy.

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continually surprised & amazed, pt. 4
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

continually surprised & amazed, pt. 4

On adventure, story, & the culmination of my own growth & investment! *plus original audio recording*
I feel like what I’m doing now matters just as much as what I was doing at the start of my creative passion-project business six years ago. It really feels like it matters. It feels like I am part of something that is bigger than me again. I cannot contain this joy.

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continually surprised & amazed, pt. 3
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

continually surprised & amazed, pt. 3

On adventure, story, & the culmination of my own growth & investment! *plus original audio recording*
Right now, I am living in the culmination of the successes of everything I worked so hard for!

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continually surprised & amazed, pt. 2
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

continually surprised & amazed, pt. 2

On adventure, story, & the culmination of my own growth & investment! *plus original audio recording*
I cannot tell you what a difference it makes to do something you love everyday. To spend my time on something worthwhile, meaningful, and personally connected and aligned. Something I WANT to be doing. Something I’m proud of and delighted by.

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continually surprised & amazed, pt. 1
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

continually surprised & amazed, pt. 1

On adventure, story, & the culmination of my own growth & investment! *plus original audio recording*
News about my perfect new job.
Instead of the tiny death of not getting to contribute, not feeling my passions, creativity, and generosity align — instead of that, I have one million tiny bursts of life. What a trade!

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on grasping & figuring it out
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

on grasping & figuring it out

I have figured out everything in my past so far. Whatever the right timing is, whether it’s staying or going, continuing or outgrowing, whatever comes, anything that’s next… I will figure this out too.

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mini magic
Brianna Wyatt Brianna Wyatt

mini magic

Life is sprinkled full of these mini magic moments. “Noticing is sacred work.”

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